2023.12.10 Notice!
ICAIP2024 Abstract/Full Paper submission will be open soon. ICAIP2024摘要/全文投稿链接即将上线。
Submission Link|投稿入口
2023.12.10 Notice!
The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2024), co-sponsored by Southwest Jiaotong University, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology will be held in Chengdu during October 18-20, 2024. 第八届图像处理进展国际会议由西南交通大学与南京理工大学联合主办, 将于2024年10月18-20日定点成都举行。
2023.11.22 Notice!
The Virtual Seventh International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2023), sponsored by Beijing Technology and Business University, Hosted by School of computer science and engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University. was held November 17-19, 2023. 第七届图像处理进展国际云会议会议由北京工商大学主办, 北京工商大学计算机学院承办, 已于2023年11月17-19日成功举办。
2023.11.22 Notice!
The Virtual Seventh International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2023), sponsored by Beijing Technology and Business University, Hosted by School of computer science and engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University. was held November 17-19, 2023. 第七届图像处理进展国际云会议会议由北京工商大学主办, 北京工商大学计算机学院承办, 已于2023年11月17-19日成功举办。
2023.03.01 Notice!
ICAIP 2023 will take place in Beijing during November 17-19, 2023. ICAIP2023会议即将在11月17-19日在北京举行。
2023.02.10 Notice!
ICAIP 2022 conference proceedings were included in ACM digital library. ICAIP2022会议论文集已收录入ACM数字图书馆。
2022.11.25 Notice!
ICAIP 2022 conference was held during Nov. 18-20, 2022 as an online form. | ICAIP2022会议由广东海洋大学主办, 成功在11月18-20日在网络平台举行。
2022.03.31 Notice!
ICAIP 2021 proceedings were already indexed by EI compendex and Scopus. | ICAIP2021 会议论文集已成功被EI数据库 和 Scopus数据库 检索。
2022.03.25 Notice!
We are delighted to invite Prof. Shahram Latifi to give the keynote speech at ICAIP2022. | 美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校 Shahram Latifi 教授同意在ICAIP2022大会做邀请报告。
2022.03.08 Notice!
Welcome Prof. Nikola Kasabov to share a keynote speech at ICAIP2022. | 欢迎新西兰奥克兰理工大学Nikola Kasabov教授在ICAIP2022会议做大会报告。
2022.03.07 Notice!
Prof. Guodong Ye has generously confirmed to make the keynote speech at ICAIP2022. | 广东海洋大学叶国栋教授同意在ICAIP2022会议做大会报告。
2022.01.31 Notice!
ICAIP 2021 conference proceedings has been available at ACM digital library! | ICAIP2021 会议论文集已成功录入ACM 数字图书馆。
2022.01.25 Notice!
Six ICAIP conference will held in Zhanjiang, China during November 18-20, 2022. | 欢迎参与2022年第六届图像处理进展国际会议,ICAIP2022将于2022年11月18-20日在广东湛江召开。
2021.11.15 Notice!
ICAIP2021 was held virtually during November 12-14, 2021. | 2021年11月12-14日ICAIP2021网络会议成功举行。
2021.06.25 Notice!
ICAIP 2020 proceedings were already indexed by EI compendex and Scopus. | ICAIP2020 会议论文集已成功被EI数据库 和 Scopus数据库 检索。
2021.05.25 Notice!
ICAIP 2020 conference proceedings has been available at ACM digital library! | ICAIP2020 会议论文集已成功录入ACM digital library。
2021.01.06 Notice!
Fifth International Conference on Advances in Image Processing is to be held in Chengdu, China during November 12-14, 2021. | 第五届图像处理进展国际会议将于2021年11月12-14日在蓉城成都举行!
2020.11.18 Notice!
The 4th ICAIP conference was held successfully virtually during November 13-15, 2020. | 考虑到全球疫情,第四届国际图像处理进展国际会议(ICAIP 2020)于2020年11月13-15日在网络平台成功举办!
2020.03.26 Notice!
ICAIP 2019 conference proceedings was indexed by EI compendex and Scopus ! | ICAIP2019 会议论文集已成功被EI数据库 和 Scopus数据库 收录检索。
2020.01.26 Notice!
ICAIP 2019 conference proceedings has been available at ACM digital library! | ICAIP2019 会议论文集已成功录入ACM digital library。
2019.11.12 Notice!
The 3rd ICAIP conference was held successfully during November 8-10, 2019. | 第三届国际图像处理进展国际会议(ICAIP 2019)于2019年11月8-10日成功举办!
2019.01.14 Notice!
ICAIP2018 proceedings were already indexed by EI compendex and Scopus. | ICAIP2018会议论文集已成功被EI Compendex 和 Scopus收录!
2018.10.22 Notice!
ICAIP 2018 conference proceedings has been available at ACM digital library! | ICAIP2018 会议论文集已成功录入ACM digital library!
2018.06.20 Notice!
ICAIP2018 was closed successfully. And please click to download the group photos. | ICAIP2018会议圆满结束, 请点击这里下载会议集体照。