• 2024 8th International Conference on Advances in Image Processing

    10月18-20日 | 中国 • 成都
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About ICAIP 2024

In today’s world of cutting-edge technologies, implementation of image processing techniques has become a crucial part for many tech organizations, regardless of their volume and field of operation. Acquisition of instant information has become possible because of the advancements taking place in the domain of the internet. Image processing is already being used by a diverse range of companies and it holds a huge potential of wide adoption in the future in production automation, agricultural landscape, Biomedical and other healthcare applications, Disaster management, etc. The challenges exist in the cognition and need for the automation are attracting the researchers towards the image processing. ICAIP2024, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Image Processing, continues the inaugural event considering the challenges, and the goal of this conference is to bring together researchers and industry and form a forum for fruitful discussions, networking, and ideas, will be held in Chengdu on 18th October to 20th October, 2024. As birthplaces to ancient Babylon, Egypt and India, regions around 30th parallel north have seen the most of ancient human civilizations and natural wonders. You have probably been to, heard of, or know nothing about a city that lies in the same circle of latitude—Chengdu. Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan, is located in Chengdu plains in the center of Sichuan basin. With an area of 12,100 square kilometers and a permanent population of 16.98 million, Chengdu is the fourth most populous city in China.

2024 8th International Conference on Advances in Image Processing, co-sponsored by Southwest Jiaotong University, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology will be held in Chengdu during October 18-20, 2024. It provides a high-profile platform to converge the latest discoveries in Advances in Image Processing around the world.

2024年第八届图像处理进展国际会议(ICAIP2024)由西南交通大学与南京理工大学联合主办, 将于2024年10月18-20日定点成都举行,  为广大图像处理进展等相关领域的学者、专家提供交流平台 。会议组委会诚邀全球相关领域的学者、专家莅临成都参加此次国际会议,就图像处理进展相关热点问题进行探讨、交流,共同促进全球图像处理进展领域的发展。2024年第 八届图像处理进展国际会议由西南交通大学, 南京理工大学联合主办, 并由四川大学, 西南财经大学, 美国南密西西比大学, 葡萄牙里斯本NOVA大学等多个国内外高校支持举办。


Full Paper is requested for publication purpose. For presentation only purpose, please just submit an abstract.
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The ICAIP 2024 accepted (Registered & Presented) full papers will be included to be published in the International Conference Proceedings by ACM  ( ISBN: 979-8-4007-1750-5), which will be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: August 30, 2024
Notification Date: September 20, 2024
Camera Ready Paper Due: September 25, 2024
Registration Deadline: September 25, 2024
Conference Date: October 18-20, 2024


ISBN: 979-8-4007-0827-5
ACM digital library
EI Compendex | Scopus

ISBN: 978-1-4503-9715-5
ACM digital library
EI Compendex | Scopus

ISBN: 978-1-4503-8518-3
ACM digital library
EI Compendex | Scopus

ISBN: 978-1-4503-8836-8
ACM digital library  
EI Compendex | Scopus

ISBN: 978-1-4503-7675-4
ACM digital library
EI Compendex | Scopus

ISBN: 978-1-4503-6460-7

ACM digital library
EI Compendex | Scopus


ISBN: 978-1-4503-5295-6

ACM digital library
EI Compendex | Scopus



Keynote Speakers Gallery

Prof. Nikola Kasabov Prof. Shahram Latifi Prof. Nannan Wang
Prof. Changsheng Xu Prof. Rajkumar Buyya Prof. Ce Zhu
Prof. Yao Liang Prof. Andrew Sung Prof. Tianrui Li


Here not all invited speakers of ICAIP series are shown due to page limit. For more details of the invted speakers of Past conferences, please check the webpage of conference history. 

Confererence Topics

  • COVID-19 and Imaging/新冠病毒成像
  • Acoustic Imaging/声学成像
  • Color Imaging/彩色成像
  • Computer Vision/计算机视觉
  • Image Security and Privacy Protection/图像安全与隐私保护
  • Digital Video/数字视频
  • Feature Extraction/特征提取
  • Holographic Imaging/全息成像
  • Image Acquisition Techniques/图像采集技术
  • Image and Pattern Analysis/图像和图案分析
  • Image Compression/图像压缩
  • Image Enhancement/图像增强
  • Multimedia Security/多媒体安全
  • Image Quality/画面质量
  • Image Retrieval/图像检索
  • Image Segmentation/图像分割
  • Mathematical Morphology/数学形态学
  • Intelligent Computing/智能计算
  • Blockchain and Applications/区块链及应用
  • Medical Imaging/医学影像
  • Multi-Spectral Imaging/多光谱成像
  • Pattern Recognition/模式识别
  • Remote Sensing/遥感
  • Mathematical Models and Data Analysis/数学模型及数据分析
  • Stereo Vision/立体视觉
  • Super Resolution/超级分辨率

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Processing Time: Monday to Friday 10:00am-12:00pm; 13:30pm-17:00pm (holiday excepted) 




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